Welcome to CCSA's Adult Roller Hockey Program, where players of all skill levels come together to enjoy fast-paced, competitive, and fun hockey action! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just getting back into the game, our leagues and open-play sessions provide an exciting way to stay active, improve your skills, and be part of a great hockey community.
- Guaranteed 10 games
- Playoffs for top teams in each division.
- Three 15-minute periods (2 goal - 2 minute - stop time)
- AAU Hockey Rules.
- All individual players must register.
- A fully rostered team consists of 10 full-time players and 1 goalie.
- Teams not meeting the minimums may request assistance from the Program Director and add players from the free agency.
- The rink reserves the right to add free agents to teams to meet the minimum roster requirements.
- Failure to register a full roster of 10 skaters and a goalie may result in your team not participating or CCSA Management to fill in vacant positions.
Adult Hockey Schedule
Sunday - Clinic & Skills Development 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Wednesday - Adult Hockey Pickup 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday - Adult Hockey League 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Players are required to wear appropriate hockey equipment, including a helmet with face-mask, elbow pads, gloves, shin guards, pants (no tears), and Inline hockey skates. Sticks must be taped appropriately. If the stick has been used outdoors, please re-tape before using on our surface.
Cancellation/Make-Up Policy
We are unable to offer make-up sessions for any sessions missed due to personal schedule conflicts including team practices. No Refunds.
Register Here
Master Schedule
Adult Hockey photos
More Information
For more information, contact:
Program Director
Tobin Flamm
Email: ccsahockey@gmail.com
Text: 805-868-3035